Tell Congress: Big Cats are not pets!

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Across the country, thousands of lions, tigers, cheetahs, bobcats, cougars, leopards, and other big cats are caged in private zoos, kept as pets, bred for profit, displayed for novelty, or sold for “wildlife parts.”

We must end the private ownership of big cats. It’s dangerous to owners and communities. It’s abominably cruel to the cats.

Right now, our ineffective hodgepodge of state-by-state laws doesn’t protect anyone – human or feline.

With Americans more concerned about these animals than ever before, Congress must seize the moment and at last outlaw private ownership of big cats.

Add your name to tell Congress: End private ownership of big cats, now!

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Note: This petition is open to residents of the United States, and a valid U.S. zip code is needed to submit the form. This petition is sponsored by Rep. Earl Blumenauer, Rep. Peter DeFazio, Rep. Raul Grijalva, Rep. Jared Huffman, Rep. Alan Lowenthal, Rep. Jim McGovern, Rep. Linda Sánchez, Rep. Susan Wild, Daily Kos, Democratic Conservation Alliance, Friends of the Earth Action, and Left Action. Sponsorship of this petition does not constitute an endorsement between participating candidates and organizations. By signing, you may receive emails from these sponsors updating you on the progress of this campaign and other important projects. (You may, of course, unsubscribe at any time.)

This petition sponsored by:

Earl BlumenauerU.S. Representative from Oregon
Peter DeFazioU.S. Representative from Oregon
Raul GrijalvaU.S. Representative from Arizona
Jared HuffmanU.S. Representative from California
Alan LowenthalU.S. Representative from California
Jim McGovernU.S. Representative from Massachusetts
Linda SánchezU.S. Representative from California
Susan WildU.S. Representative from Pennsylvania

Daily Kos Democratic Conservation Alliance Friends of the Earth Action Left Action