Sign the petition: Urge Congress to abolish the military draft.

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The Selective Service System was created in 1940, as a response to World War II.

In the years since, its main accomplishment has been wasting hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on maintaining an obsolete and unnecessary system.

While our armed forces are all-volunteer for now, keeping the Selective Service System alive keeps open the possibility of a return to a military draft.

The Pentagon agrees that no military or national security threat is imperative enough to reinstate a draft and abandon our volunteer army. As such, keeping the Selective Service System in place is wasteful, unjust, dangerous, and wrongheaded.

Add your name now and urge Congress to abolish the Selective Service System and close the door on a military draft.

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Note: This petition is open to residents of the United States, and a valid U.S. zip code is needed to submit the form. This petition is sponsored by Rep. Peter DeFazio, Consumers United For Fairness, Daily Kos, and World BEYOND War. Sponsorship of this petition does not constitute an endorsement between participating candidates and organizations. By signing, you may receive emails from these sponsors updating you on the progress of this campaign and other important projects. (You may, of course, unsubscribe at any time.)

This petition sponsored by:

Peter DeFazioU.S. Representative from Oregon
Consumers United For Fairness Daily Kos World BEYOND War