Tell Mitch McConnell:
End Corruption in Washington

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Last year, the House passed a transformative anti-corruption and clean elections bill.

But Mitch McConnell refuses to pass these reforms. No surprise there. He’s terrified that this would shake up Washington and flip the script on his special-interest agenda.

Our reforms will:

  • Fight big money in politics and empower small donors.
  • Clean up Washington corruption and crack down on lobbyists to make sure that our public servants serve the public interest — not special interests.
  • Protect and expand the right to vote so that everyone’s voice is heard.

McConnell’s determined to block these reforms, but we're not giving up!

Sign our petition and tell Mitch McConnell: bring our democracy reform package up for a vote in the Senate NOW.⬇︎

Not you? Click here! All fields required. Problems signing? Let us know here!

Note: This petition is open to residents of the United States, and a valid U.S. zip code is needed to submit the form. This petition is sponsored by Rep. Colin Allred, Rep. Sean Casten, Rep. Katherine Clark, Rep. Deb Haaland, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, Rep. Rick Larsen, Rep. Mike Levin, Rep. Tom Malinowski, Rep. Jim McGovern, Rep. Chellie Pingree, Rep. John Sarbanes, Rep. Lauren Underwood, Civic Action, and Daily Kos. Sponsorship of this petition does not constitute an endorsement between participating candidates and organizations. By signing, you may receive emails from these sponsors updating you on the progress of this campaign and other important projects. (You may, of course, unsubscribe at any time.)

This petition sponsored by:

Colin AllredU.S. Representative from Texas
Sean CastenU.S. Representative from Illinois
Katherine ClarkU.S. Representative from Massachusetts
Deb HaalandU.S. Representative from New Mexico
Pramila JayapalU.S. Representative from Washington
Rick LarsenU.S. Representative from Washington
Mike LevinU.S. Representative from California
Tom MalinowskiU.S. Representative from New Jersey
Jim McGovernU.S. Representative from Massachusetts
Chellie PingreeU.S. Representative from Maine
John SarbanesU.S. Representative from Maryland
Lauren UnderwoodU.S. Representative from Illinois

Civic Action Daily Kos